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- 04/03/24 - #100
04/03/24 - #100

Good morning. In today’s edition:
An Avocado a Day May Improve Overall Diet Quality, Researchers Report. They Determined That Participants Were Using Avocados as a Substitute for Some Foods Higher in Refined Grains and Sodium
I’ve Lost My First 10lbs Since I Started My Diet
U.S. Maternal Death Rate Increasing at an Alarming Rate, It Almost Doubled Between 2014 and 2021: From 16.5 to 31.8, With the Largest Increase of 18.9 to 31.8 Occurring From 2019 to 2021
A Recent Study Provides Evidence in Favor of Strength Training as a Potential Complementary Strategy to Combat Depression
…and lots more. Have a great day!
An Avocado a Day May Improve Overall Diet Quality, Researchers Report. They Determined That Participants Were Using Avocados as a Substitute for Some Foods Higher in Refined Grains and Sodium

Guess what? Eating an avocado every day can actually make your diet better. Researchers at Penn State found out that this simple change helps you eat more like the health experts say we should. This is great news because a lot of us don’t eat very healthy, and that can lead to sickness, like heart problems.
The study was led by nutrition experts Kristina Petersen and Penny Kris-Etherton. They checked if eating avocados every day could improve what people eat. Avocados are full of good things like fiber and nutrients, so the researchers thought they might help make diets healthier.
Their research showed that people who ate an avocado every day followed healthy eating guidelines better. Instead of eating foods that aren’t so good for us, like those with a lot of salt or made from white flour, they ate avocados. So, they ended up eating more veggies and less junk food.
Over a thousand people joined the study for about six months. Those who ate an avocado daily ended up eating much healthier.
The study tells us that a small change, like adding an avocado to your daily meals, can make a big difference in how healthy your diet is. Since eating better can help us avoid diseases like heart disease and diabetes, it’s a good idea to try adding that avocado. It’s a simple step towards eating healthier.
I’ve Lost My First 10lbs Since I Started My Diet

Ever thought about losing 10 pounds in just one week? It sounds amazing, right? But, truth be told, losing that much fat that fast isn't really something most people can do. However, there's a trick to seeing a big change fast, especially if you've been eating a lot of junk food.
If your meals are mostly fast food or snacks that come in bags or boxes, it's tough to lose weight. These foods make you hold onto water and waste, especially around your belly and in your gut. That's because they're full of salt, which keeps water in your body, and they don't have much fiber, which you need to stay regular.
To start dropping pounds, eat more real foods like fruits, veggies, and grains that haven't been messed with too much. These foods fill you up with good stuff and help you not eat too much. Drinking lots of water is also key. Even if you feel puffy and full of water, drinking more actually helps your body get rid of extra salt and keeps things moving inside you.
Moving your body helps a lot too. Walking, biking, or swimming can kick your metabolism into gear and help you burn more calories. And don’t forget to sleep well; it helps your muscles and keeps your metabolism up.
Not everyone will lose 10 pounds so quickly, but making these smart choices can lead to weight loss over time. Remember, it's about getting healthier, not just the numbers on the scale. Your health is super important!
U.S. Maternal Death Rate Increasing at an Alarming Rate, It Almost Doubled Between 2014 and 2021: From 16.5 to 31.8, With the Largest Increase of 18.9 to 31.8 Occurring From 2019 to 2021

From 2014 to 2021, the number of moms who died from problems related to pregnancy almost doubled in the U.S. This increase is very worrying, especially from 2019 to 2021, when the deaths jumped a lot.
People thought older women having babies might be the reason for more moms dying. But a study showed that's not true. Women of all ages are facing this risk, especially those between 25 and 34 years old.
Even though moms are getting a little older, from about 28 to 29 years old, that's not causing the rise in deaths. The study, shared on March 18, 2024, tells us we need to look at other reasons.
Heart problems are a big cause of these deaths. We can prevent these, so we need to keep a closer eye on pregnant women's health.
Dr. Sadiya Khan, who led the study, says it's very important to figure out why these deaths are happening. Some places are trying to understand and stop these deaths, but the whole country needs to do more.
The study also points out that Black women are three times more likely to die from pregnancy problems than white women. We need to learn more about this to help everyone.
Understanding and solving this issue is important to keep moms safe.
A Recent Study Provides Evidence in Favor of Strength Training as a Potential Complementary Strategy to Combat Depression

Did you know that lifting weights might make you feel less sad? A study from March 2024 found that doing strength training, like weightlifting, can help people who feel depressed.
Researchers looked at 38 studies with over 2,400 people. They learned that those who did strength training felt better than those who didn't. But, how often you lift weights and how many times you lift them can make a big difference.
Lots of people around the world feel sad or depressed. Sometimes, medicine or talking to someone can help, but not always. That's where lifting weights comes in. It could be an extra way to help people feel better.
Lucas Melo Neves, who led the study, says it's important how you do your strength training. If you lift weights more times each week and do more lifts each time, it might help you feel less sad.
The study also looked at if doing strength training with other exercises, like running, makes a big difference. It seems like just lifting weights on its own is pretty good for helping with sadness.
The study isn't perfect and there's more to learn, like if what you eat or the medicine you take matters. But it's exciting to think that lifting weights could help make you happier. So, if you're feeling down, maybe try lifting some weights. It could help lift your mood too!
✢ A Note From Hem Hero
The information in this health newsletter is for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment; always consult your healthcare provider with any questions or concerns you may have regarding your health. The publishers are not responsible for any actions taken by the reader based on the information provided.