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- 04/15/24 - #108
04/15/24 - #108

Good morning. In today’s edition:
Foods and Vitamins for Healthy Bones and Joints
I Did It, I Lost 50lbs!
Tuberculosis Cases Are Surging in California
Lower Your Risk of Irritable Bowel Syndrome by Adopting a Healthy Lifestyle, New Study Suggests
…and lots more. Have a great day!
Foods and Vitamins for Healthy Bones and Joints

Keeping your bones and joints healthy is important, especially as we get older. Luckily, certain foods can help make them stronger. Let's look at some of the best options.
1. Bone Broth: It's like a magic drink for your bones, full of good stuff that makes them strong.
2. Eggs: Not only easy to make but also packed with vitamins that help your bones.
3. Almonds: Snack on these to get minerals that keep your bones tough.
4. Salmon: This fish is great for bones because it has omega-3 and vitamin D, which help your body use calcium better.
5. Collard Greens: These leafy greens are loaded with calcium, which is exactly what your bones need.
6. Cherries: They're not just tasty; they also reduce joint pain and stiffness.
7. Moringa: A plant that's good for both your bones and joints because of its minerals and antioxidants.
8. Gelatin: Sounds weird, but it's actually good for reducing joint inflammation.
9. Cheese: Yes, cheese! It's full of calcium for strong bones. Just remember to eat it in moderation.
10. Mineral Water: Drinking enough water, especially if it has minerals, is good for your bones.
Adding these foods to your diet can make a big difference in your bone and joint health. Remember to also stay active and enjoy some sunlight for vitamin D. Your bones and joints support you every day, so let's take care of them!
I Did It, I Lost 50lbs!

Guess what? There's a way to lose weight without having to change what you eat or how much you eat. It's called intermittent fasting, or IF for short. This means you have times when you eat and times when you don't. It's gotten really popular because it helps people eat less, lower their blood pressure, and feel better.
There are different ways to do IF. One way is to eat only between noon and 8 pm every day. This means you fast for 16 hours. Another way is to eat normally for four days and then not eat much for three days. Our friend who lost 50 pounds loves this method.
She used to eat out a lot and not move much, which made her gain weight. When she got a busy job, it got worse. She tried many diets and exercise but nothing stuck. Then, she tried IF and quickly lost 50 pounds. She even shared her journey online and got a lot of attention.
IF helps you not just lose weight but also feel more awake and clear-headed. It might seem hard to not eat for a whole day, but it gets easier. Experts say it's safe and works well if you listen to your body and find what's best for you. So, IF could be a cool way to lose weight without giving up your favorite foods.
Tuberculosis Cases Are Surging in California

California is facing a health alert as more people are getting sick with tuberculosis (TB), a lung disease. Last year, the state recorded 2,113 TB cases, up by 15% from before. Sadly, more people are also dying from it.
Since 2020, more folks in California have been catching TB. Health experts are telling doctors to check patients who might get TB more carefully. They want to find and treat TB early. Most of the people getting TB in California were born in other countries.
Some people think the increase in TB cases is because of undocumented immigrants entering California. TB is more common in some parts of the world, like Asia and Africa. The U.S. requires health checks for TB for those coming legally, but the concern is about those who don't go through these checks.
Health officials say people with weak immune systems, those living closely with many others, or without a home are more likely to get TB. Not everyone with TB feels sick right away. TB can cause a really bad cough, chest pain, tiredness, and fevers.
There's a TB vaccine, but it's not widely used in the U.S. and doesn't always work. TB can be deadly if not treated.
The number of TB cases is going up not just in California, but all over the U.S. This tells us we need to be careful about our health and help keep others safe too.
Lower Your Risk of Irritable Bowel Syndrome by Adopting a Healthy Lifestyle, New Study Suggests

Do you ever feel like your stomach is upset, with pains or bloating? You might not be alone because up to 1 in 10 people deal with something called irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Good news, though! A new study says if you live healthily, you might not have to worry about IBS as much.
Researchers found that adults who exercise, sleep enough, eat well, don't drink too much alcohol, and stay away from cigarettes could lower their chances of getting IBS by almost half. IBS can make your stomach hurt, bloat, and cause bathroom problems. Even though doctors are still trying to understand why IBS happens, living healthy seems to help avoid it.
Over 64,000 people were in the study, and they were checked for over 12 years. Those who lived healthily had fewer IBS problems. Sleeping well was really important, just like being active and not smoking. They also found something surprising – drinking a little alcohol might be okay, but they're not sure yet and need to study it more.
The study didn't talk about how stress affects IBS, which is interesting because stress can really impact your stomach. Still, the study gives us hope. Making good choices, like not using your phone before bed, eating healthy, and moving around, could help keep your stomach happy as you get older.
✢ A Note From Hem Hero
The information in this health newsletter is for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment; always consult your healthcare provider with any questions or concerns you may have regarding your health. The publishers are not responsible for any actions taken by the reader based on the information provided.